Saturday, January 13, 2018

Six and a half years later...

We bought this house impulsively and then spent a fair amount of money on modernizing it before we moved in. A good friend, JMcI, asked what it was we liked about it in the first place since we were changing virtually everything. Never mind. 

In the midst of completely changing the kitchen and making sure all the lower cabinets were drawer units because we are getting ancient, we were faced with the 24 inch pantry cabinet and the pullouts would be $225.00 each. Times 6 is a whack of money for pull-outs so we said, “we’ll make them ourselves after we move in”. Hah! 
About every 6 months I floated the “what about those units for the pantry” question because the back of the shelves was like a black hole in space; especially the bottom one which required getting down on the floor to investigate the nether regions. I’m pretty fit and agile but, really, I was not interested in exploring that shelf.
Sometime in early December I upped the pressure and asked “the question” at least once a week, sometimes several times a day. 

That got the project on “the list”, a mysterious entity that only Jim knows about. This week, Thursday to be exact, after golf Jim drifted down to Lumber World (supplier of the original cabinets) to see what the possibilities were. Lo and behold they had a sale on and the now $250.00 each drawer units were discounted to $89! Holy schmoley! My plan had been to use the existing shelves to create the drawer boxes and buy the hardware at the Restore. Never mind again. 
This plan included purpose built boxes with spiffy DTC full-extension soft-close hardware and they had 9 available.
Let’s be clear, the units were on a major discount but we still forked out more than $500.00 which might be chump change to you but isn’t to us. We needed 5 and jumped right in, picked them up yesterday, and Jim unpacked a couple and started the hmmmm, how does this work dance. An hour later he’s realized that 2 of the boxes and hardware are the wrong size and the salesperson was gone for the weekend. Not to disparage Lumber World too deeply but there are a few people there who are worth talking to and a few others who will not give the lowly DIYer the time of day and on top of that are as dense as the bag of hammers they might try to sell you.

Before she left, our salesperson, one of the useful ones, sent a link to an installation video because no instructions came with the items we bought. Never mind again; the link was to a different brand of hardware. Sigh.
Google, YouTube, and Jim’s brain to the rescue and we have a plan because 3 of the boxes and hardware are actually the right size! Sort of. The third one needed some adjustment, being a half inch wider than it should have been and with a set of locking holes drilled in the wrong place. Never mind again, we can deal with that and did. 
Understand we’re working in a 24” wide space, 23” deep and had to install level blocking pieces and the drawer rails. Willing and fabulous as Jim is he’s not small and dainty and flexibility is a fleeting memory so this project was definitely a team effort with me folded up inside the cabinet at one point holding the necessary piece in place while it was drilled and installed.

Besides having much more accessible space, the major success was that we didn’t get scrappy with each other about the challenges. Jim was particularly patient despite being wakened every hour on the hour last night by the grandfather clock which I decided to activate yesterday. On our way to bed I asked if he wanted me to stop it, he replied probably a good idea, but at 7:00 this morning I had that sinking lack of memory of following through. We already know I can sleep through a bomb going off, a very funny story, and I grew up with that clock chiming away, so hadn’t heard a thing. Never mind! He’s having a nap right now.

Monday, January 1, 2018

At The Turn of the Year

The country is in a deep freeze and even we are hovering just above 0 degrees, nothing like the dangerous cold anywhere east of Vancouver. Not to mention north.
New Year's Day in most of Canada is the beginning of settling in for a couple of months of winter.
Not meaning to be irritating but no doubt this statement will be: for me New Year's Day is the beginning of the end of winter.
We've only gained about 5 minutes of daylight since December 22 and we still have lots of time to have a snow event, but the worst is over. Maybe. The worst being the wet dark days of November. December is mitigated by Christmas lights and festivities and January is just a big improvement over both. Sister Bets says February, but not me. I'm ready!

We usually bring in the New Year quietly and always stay up till midnight to ring it in properly with champagne and the fireworks from Seattle.
table for two
Today we had sundowners outside with the propane fire-pit to take the chill off.

We are a bit whacky on this side of the world but we'll be a long time dead so let's enjoy the now we've got. It was a super moon, not to be ignored!

Santa Claus brought us a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle that we finished today, 6 days from start to finish. Not much productive took place during the week! We weren't completely anti-social but the puzzle certainly kept us off the streets and out of the malls. Well okay, there was one short foray to Mayfair Mall just because it didn't seem right to ignore the sales completely. Right?
this was a challenge!
So 2018 is with us. Let's plan to treat it well, with fun, good people, and a dash of good works.