Monday I spent a lot of the day learning about washing machines from Consumer Reports and by the end of the day we had purchased a Samsung machine to be delivered on December 23; Merry Christmas. We got a good buy from 'Martin' at Sears who said he had never sold a Profile and never would. He also said that Samsung or LG were the best washers to buy because they have a direct drive system instead of a belt drive which stabilizes the vibration/broken shock issue. By now you have probably lost interest in this story but someday you may need the information so pay attention.
However, between Monday afternoon and this morning Jim and I dismantled and emptied the laundry and powder rooms, and installed a new subfloor base for the tile (500 screws?) Once the tile is down we have to put it all back together again, only the new washer is 2 inches taller than the old one so the sink cabinet and counter top have to be adjusted to accomodate the new height. Are we having fun yet? And did I mention that since we had to pull out the toilet we decided to replace it with a water saving model? Another Consumer Reports search and I learned that there are a lot of highly touted toilets that don't make the grade. I figured we'd have to shop around and it would be a time-consuming search but we bought an American Standard Cadet 3 in less than 60 seconds from Bartle and Gibson (our first stop because it is so close by) for less than it would have cost at Home Depot. Go figure.
powder room looking good

In the meantime the office decor has changed considerably as we are boxed in by the freezer, sink, cabinet, counter and accumulated debris from across the hall.
Jim says there will be a door on the powder room by the end of today; it's functional but a bit exposed for guests to use! But he 'had' to play golf this morning so it's 2:30 and no door yet even though ; has accomplished an amazing amount in the last few days.We'll take a break from this project until the washer arrives on Wednesday because I don't think we should fix the new height for the counter until we actually see the machine in position. I've gotten a bit leary of measurements over the years and prefer to see for myself. But by Christams Eve we should be all systems go again having destroyed and rebuilt the space in 10 days with some important improvements.
And while that's not quite the end of the chapter, it's enough to be going on with. J.
This is a good story. Still laughing, probably because it isn't us in that situation. Can't believe anyone would take that job on so close to Christmas.
Anonymous is Betty- finally working for me.
Jeanie, the story is delightful and, of course, you would take it on before Christmas because then you know it'll get done on time. Would that would happen everywhere construction happens....right?
Wish we were there to see it in all its finished splendour.
I feel honoured that I was there to witness part of the excitement! Someday Kim and I will tell you our Home Depot Cadet 3 story...
I'm hugely impressed at how thorough you are...I don't think either Randy or I would go through consumer reports...well he might but I'd just buy the nicest most retro-looking model...although maybe not the one with the attached washboard, there are limits.
Looking forward to seeing the new laundry and the front door on Christmas Eve
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