That would be Jim, of course. A few years back we were losing our view to some developer-planted pine trees across the street. Every house in our area, Broadmead, comes with a covenant, one of them being that residents are entitled to retain or regain their views. It took about a year but Jim was successful in having about 50 pine trees removed and replaced with a hedge that works better for us and the residents across the street. Having tested the convenants and the organization that oversees them, BARA (Broadmead Area Residents' Association), Jim figured he better contribute by volnteering on the Board, and it didn't take long before he found himself President. You know he had to have a party, being the social animal he is, so he got a committee together to host an informal community event, which was today. Sulo Saravana-Bawan chaired the committee and I swear she knows everyone in the city and has a knack for getting people to donate anything and everything. There was free food and lots of prizes, fire trucks, police,

school bands, kids games, a hike and bike theme and more. And a pretty good turnout for a first effort. Of course this is Victoria and there are at least of 50,000 events on every single weekend, so the competition is fierce and oh yes, it's Father's Day and FIFA is on TV.

Mark & Melynda got in the act, Mark donating hotdogs & smokies and people and both of them on site to wave the flag for Dad as well as the
Swiftsure Restaurant where Mark is Head Chef. They'll both kill me for this photo; they had their chests stuck out showing off the sponsor names and both wearing cheezy grins.
It was a fun day and a great idea, and I expect Jim and Sulo are going to sleep much better tonight than they did last night.
Three cheers for volunteers and people who put themselves out for others.
Hooray for Jim! Please say hello to lovely Sulo from me. She is the supreme organizer and a wonderful lady.
Good to see Jim is still a great organizer of events. Looks like a fun time for all. Nice to Mark and Melynda.
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