Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Summer coming to a close...

You may remember that I was pretty whiney about the weather back in the spring, and it continued to be cool well into July this year. For us it was ideal because we were just doing hard work and if we had had a 30C week it would have been miserable. Most everyone else would tell you we didn’t really have summer in 2011 but finally Victoria hit its usual endless sunshine and perfect temperature stride. Never mind that our winter climate is the only decent one in the country despite the gloom and damp, our summer climate is sublime.

Our favourite picnic site is a rock in Esquimalt overlooking the harbour.  I had to hover and impose my evil eye to move some people away from the only table.

What we consider normal is a long succession of days with clear blue skies, cool starry nights, low humidity, 20-30C degrees, and no bugs. This year has been the same, just a little later getting underway. So we’ve had our evening meal indoors twice since we moved in here (which means consuming lots of wine as we sit on the patio for several hours). Friday we went to our friend Gaye’s house, on Finlayson Arm, (no camera!) and spent a fabulous hour paddling down the inlet followed by corn on the cob, salmon, fresh veggies, and prawns from just off her dock. Does it get any better?
But it’s getting colder at night suddenly; Sunday it was 29C in the daytime but down to 10 overnight, and today it is decidedly cooler and gray. We seem to be heading toward autumn, but this year we don’t have yard clean-up to do or house maintenance. Imagine that!
Next week we are rewarding ourselves with a few days on the Sunshine Coast at what appears to be a very interesting resort http://rockwatersecretcoveresort.com/site/location.html. And after that, who knows…

1 comment:

Miriam said...

What a lovely getaway you're going to have! Are you staying in a tent? I hope all the stresses of house buying/selling, moving and all that renovating completely melt away...