Sunday, May 17, 2015

Highland Games x 150 years

My new phone hasn't as good a camera as the Samsung had but the Samsung had other issues and I'm adjusting. I should relearn to carry a camera for days like today at the Highland Games. Victoria's HG are celebrating 150 years this weekend. I don't know how ours stacks up with others around the world but we like it, especially on another perfect 20 degree day. There are lots of venders, serious genealogy tents, clan tents, dance competitions, pipe band competitions, drum major competitions, duck (and dog) herding, heavy events, food, beer, and a single malt school. Something for everyone.     
We decided the caber toss is not possible and then saw someone do it. It's basically a telephone pole that has to be carried and tossed  to land end-over-end in a straight line. Ridiculous! Competitors come from all over North America probably because there aren't that many crazy enough.

Finally you can buy a beer and walk around with it instead of being corralled into a beer tent. So civilized. You have to be wearing an event bracelet indicating you ID has been checked.

More than 200 in the massed pipe and drum band at the end of the day. Magic! The Simon Fraser University band has won the world title 6 times and their drum major is the current world champion.
Tomorrow the Victoria Day Parade with 35-40 marching bands. Apparently this parade is one that qualifies nads for something or other, The Rose Bowl Parade I think, so we always get lots of fab bands. It starts at 9, which is a bit rude in my book since it means I have to get moving before I really want to but on the other hand I'll be a long time dead. :-)

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Just another day...

Someday I'll write about living in a strata (condominium to everyone outside BC) or, more to the point, being La Presidenta; but not yet.
I've been spending way too much time on strata business lately, all day yesterday and awake half the night, so I decided it was time to get off the "farm" today. I took the bus downtown looking for a pair of chinos, not that successfully, and then called "my driver" who had been playing golf to meet me at Fisherman's Wharf for lunch. It was a very fine day to be there, anywhere really.

It's hard to tell if this boat is parked there or holding up the ice cream store. I think the latter.
lots of people around, of course
the Harbour Ferry in amongst the houseboats
Last Saturday we went to the Muse Winery for the spring release party. The bottles weren't even labelled it was so recently bottled. Naturally the new wines were green but the potential is there and there were lots of other vintages available.
Two weeks ago we toddled off to Butchart Gardens to see the tulip display. We have an annual pass so don't have to gasp about the $30.00 entry fee every time we go thank heavens. We spent a few sunny hours, had lunch, and enjoyed the spectacle.