Wednesday, December 6, 2017

December Decorations

The house is decorated, always a slow dance because I fuss with placement and don't want everything pulled out at once. Order out of chaos and now we enjoy the result. It is dark here in Victoria at this time of year, with only a scant 8 hours of daylight and the sun so low in the sky it doesn't clear the nearby trees. To compensate there is a never ending list of events, parades, festivals, and activities; and in our little piece of the world we like lights and decorations as a distraction. We like to sit by the fire with the Christmas lights and decorations glowing, and enjoy some wine and each other's company. And friends and family of course. 
We've stopped collecting Santa Clauses and have reduced what we had by at least half because, you know, there is a limit and I do believe that less is more. It may not always be obvious. 
Now Jim collects Christmas movies on our PVR and it is such a nice change to watch mindless good wishes and happy endings!

November was wet. We had some amount of precipitation for a record 28 out of 30 days, even some snow. Ugh and ugh. We are having a La NiƱa year, in my opinion a little girl who cries a lot and has occasional temper tantrums. It will pass.
Right now we are having a respite with sun in the forecast for the next week and daytime temps of 8 or 9 Celsius. Not too shabby for December on almost the 49th parallel.

I took advantage of the sunshine today, December 6, to grab some pics of seasonal decorations in our neighbourhood. Enjoy.

winter planter

Santa taking orders

beach flotsam

laurel topiary


rhododendron way out of season

crab apples

hanging on!

yellow pyracantha

fine dining on a hotdog at Capitol Iron

1 comment:

mary ann laing said...

Beautiful!!! Best of the season, Jean!