Friday, August 31, 2018

Estevan cenotaph

The trek to Estevan includes a story for another time but when we got there, late-ish, we found our hotel provided a free supper of very good chili. Salvation. If you are ever planning to be in Estevan, ask me about the place because it really was great value and a nice facility.
But this story is about the cenotaph.

It's on the corner of the main drag
thankfully or we might have missed it. The main piece was carved from a single 102 year old tree but I don't know about the 2 benches. The detail in these pieces is very special and I can imagine the bench figures faces are from real photographs. Of course the wood will break down eventually but what a gift the community. There are a couple of explanatory plaques, one remembering a Victoria Cross recipient from the town. We feel very privileged to experience these examples of the heart of our people.

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