Sedona 2019
We have been in one of our happy places this week, Sedona, AZ where we’ve been coming since 1999 for hiking, relaxing, and beauty. The first time, Jim had contacted our time-share group and asked for “anywhere in the southwest” When they came back with Sedona, I asked some friends who said wow, so we accepted the location. And we’ve been saying wow ever since. You come off I17 from Phoenix and a couple of kms in on 179 you come around the bend and there is Courthouse Butte and it’s wow all over again.

We’ve had some great hikes on old and new trails, always with the beautiful red rock scenery around us. Day 2 saw us park on Back O Beyond to access Cathedral Rock but rather than go up the chimneys we took the Templeton trail thinking we could loop back to the parking lot via Baldwin. BUT, the old access through Crescent Moon is closed which meant trekking back up to Templeton (lots of stairs). I flagged down a couple in the parking lot to ask if they knew of an alternative and they offered to drive us back to our car. Magic! Thank you Eric and Sharon who happen to also be staying at The Ridge.
Thursday we took a 12 hour tour to Horseshoe Bend on the Colorado River, south of Page and Antelope Canyon, east of Page.
It’s easy to do on your own but it’s almost 6 hours of driving which makes for
a long day. The roads are pretty rough and the 14 passenger bus was rattling
and banging quite a bit. When I managed to separate the noise from the ride
comfort I realized it was like a fairly gentle massage rather than a pounding. The
tour group Great West has abandoned the lower and upper entrances to Antelope
Canyon because they have gotten way too busy so we went in at Canyon X. This
access point is operated by a Navajo family and we got elderly Robert as our
guide. He whips up and down the 30% grade as though he were a teenager while
the rest of us huffed and puffed; hard on the knees going down and the heart
coming up and it was so worth the climb!

Tomorrow we head to Scottsdale for a week for completely different
experiences. We are both happy to be back in AZ.
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