Wednesday, July 21, 2010

and Jim's latest project

About a year ago I sent some photos to some of you showing the evolution of our primary deck, our outdoor dining room really. The original daeck was a builder special, 12x12, and the first change was to double the size. Next came an open roof structure which we covered with reed mats for a couple of years, and then installed Suntuf panels which give us all weather protection. Last year Jim opened the front of the deck by removing a garden bed ( the lilac tree that committd suicide) and adding an apron onto the lawn.

If you live here you are very well aware that Jim gets pouty if I want to eat indoors anytime between April and October. Because not all our friends feel the same way about the great outdoors, (can you believe some people actually use their dining rooms all year round - maybe even you?) we have three gas heaters for $179.99) and a pile of blankets and pashminas at the ready.

Jim is always willing to improve things and since we experienced the fabulous outdoor rooms in South Africa last year he has been hankering to close in the end wall, preferably both, to make the deck really seem like a room. The value-added is that a wall on the west end would mitigate the prevailing Pacific breezes (cold!). We managed to compromise on the vision and Jim has recently completed a skookum (a Pacific Northwest word that can have meanings from 'good,' to 'strong,' 'best,' 'powerful,' 'ultimate,' 'brave' and 'first rate.' Something can be skookum meaning 'really good' or 'right on! 'excellent!', or it can be skookum meaning 'tough' or 'durable'. When you are skookum, you've got a purpose and you're on solid ground, in good health/spirits etc. When used in reference to another person, e.g. "he's skookum", it's used in respect with connotations of trustworthiness, reliability and honesty as well as (possibly but not necessarily) strength and size -.Wikipedia) partial wall with a 12 foot long tiled counter top, built in fridge and scads of storage.
Another value-added is that the messy part of the garden, hose, bags of weeds and other debris is hidden behind the new wall-ette as well as making a hot spot for the tomatoes.

In other news, my sister Betsy has returned to Victoria after 6.5 years in the hinterland, (Quesnel). Despite loving to visit her in Q we are really happy to have her back in closer proximity where I can bully her and she can ignore me, both with greater ease.
So all is good!


Miriam said...

WOWIE! That looks absolutely fabulous! Function and aesthetics - we're both really impressed!

Sally said...

The deck looks fabulous! When are you installing the sink, dishwasher and oven (not to mention the hot tub)! Way to go, Jim!